Tooth Discoloration
Tooth Discoloration is one of the common problems observed in many individuals. Here, the teeth develop stains, yellow layer, or black color on it. Teeth discoloration can occur due to several reasons. There are some dental treatments and natural ways for getting rid of tooth discoloration. You can get the whiter teeth to a nice extent through proper treatment.

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Some of the reasons behind yellow teeth formation are:
- Irregular brushing habits and brushing the teeth for a very small duration is one of the basic reasons behind yellowing of the teeth
- Excess intake of the fluoride, lowers the whitening of the teeth and develops a thin layer of the yellow cover on the teeth
- Smoking and tobacco chewing causes a major discoloration of the teeth, making it more discolored
- Excess Soda intake also removes the whitening of the teeth leading to the discoloration of the teeth
- Certain types of medicines also remove the whiteness of the teeth, making it more discolored
The teeth discoloration disease severely impacts the smile and the confidence level of the individual. So, it is very necessary to know how to remove yellow teeth and make it whiter.
Here are some of the ways of how to fix discolored teeth:

- Bring down the teeth discoloring foods – Tea, espresso(coffee) and sugary soft drinks are among the most noticeably terrible of the tooth strainers. Cutting these from your eating routine will give your teeth an all-around required break and give your toothpaste a battling chance at disposing of your day by day development of plaque. The equivalent goes for sugary and acidic nourishment.
- Flossing mouth after eating – When you eat anything, smaller food particles along with the other germs get settled on your teeth. If you do not floss your mouth properly then these germs start settling on your teeth and lead to discoloration of the teeth. So, proper flossing from all the sides of the mouth has to be done to avoid the yellow teeth problem.
- Eat more carrots and leafy vegetables – The carrots and leafy vegetables are very good for removing the discoloration of the teeth. The acids on the teeth are easily diluted with saliva and these food items which avoids the further discoloration of the teeth.
- Using Whitening Toothpaste – This is one of the finest ways to fix discolored teeth in much simpler ways. We as of now have toothpaste that expel stains since most contain mellow abrasives. All things considered, organizations have created uncommon toothpaste planned explicitly for brightening teeth. The glues contain one of a kind substance that will delicately clean teeth and evacuate surface stains. Some progressively costly glues contain a blanching substance that will expel stains all things considered and within teeth.
- Using whitening gels – Brightening gels contain peroxide which applies straightforwardly to the outside of the teeth with the guide of a small toothbrush. It is prescribed to utilize it two times per day to expand the opportunity of accomplishment. From the outset, you will see a few outcomes rapidly, however, long haul changes can take as long as four months to grab hold. Specialists state that this treatment can help reinforce your teeth, and, thus, your grin. Dental organizations have created teeth-brightening strips that are dainty and undetectable, covering them with a layer of the peroxide that they use in the brightening gels. Clients are encouraged to put the strips on their teeth for 30 minutes, two times per day, for about fourteen days.
- Natural Home Remedies – These techniques are an extraordinary method to dispose of stains on teeth for inexpensively even free. Most are genuinely delicate and not solid, so these strategies would suit individuals with light stains, for example, the run of the mill obscurity between the front teeth, or little fixes of yellow or dark-colored on an individual tooth. Some common strategies you can attempt to incorporate strawberries, which contain a chemical that normally brightens teeth. You can essentially advertise more strawberries to your eating routine, and rub the organic product on the recolored zones while you eat, or you can crush them and brush with them simply like typical toothpaste. Make sure to brush your teeth with typical toothpaste a while later, as strawberries do contain a little sugar, and the seeds can likewise be rough on the off chance that you didn’t expel them. Another speedy normal fix is to add preparing soft drinks to your toothpaste. This truly helps the infiltrating intensity of the blend, letting it get profound into the finish and handle recolors significantly more successfully.
- Sugar-free chewing gum – Chewing gum isn’t only for a refreshing breath. Sans sugar gum increments salivary stream, which can kill plaque acids, help evacuate nourishment trash, reinforce teeth and diminish dry mouth. I propose settling on biting gums as a fixing, as it can help battle tooth rot as well.
- Kit of Teeth – Whitening A large portion of these techniques utilizes a hydrogen peroxide arrangement. This implies you must be cautious and adhere to the guidelines as well as could be expected. There are two sorts of units that you can buy: Liquid packs or teeth-brightening strips. Fluid packs: There is one for the upper arrangement of teeth and another for the lower set. You should simply apply the arrangement on the watchmen gave. The unit incorporates syringes for this reason. At that point place the gatekeeper over your teeth and leave it there as coordinated. After this, you should simply flush your teeth and brush them not surprisingly. Teeth-brightening strips: If you choose to utilize the strips, the initial step will be to apply the answer for your teeth. Rather than utilizing the watchman like with the gel packs, you will utilize the strips. Leave the teeth-brightening strips on as coordinated in the directions. At that point, continue to flush and brush your teeth.
- Brushing teeth properly – This is one of the basic things to deal with yellow teeth problems. You should have proper brushing techniques where you brush your teeth from all the sides properly. You apply little force gently while brushing the teeth. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, one in the morning after getting up from sleep and others before sleeping at night.
- Visit a reputed dentist – This is the most viable and better way to deal with the teeth discoloration disease. The dentist will always guide with more actionable ways of treatment for the yellow teeth problems. The dentist will have the expert knowledge about the exact treatment to do with a particular level of teeth discoloration problem. These are some of the ways to remove yellow discoloration from Teeth which can help you to achieve white teeth. A little effort can help you to remove the yellow teeth problem easily.

Tooth discoloration is one such dental problem where the teeth color loses its whiter shine. Generally, yellow layer, stains, or black spots gets developed on teeth. This situation makes a person look awkward while smiling and talking.
There are several reasons for black discoloration on teeth. There is nothing much to worry, as there are some treatment methods to deal with it. Teeth scaling and polishing are the most popular treatment method to remove teeth discoloration. They can give a better whiter shine on the teeth. This yellow teeth treatment can make your smile look better.
How to remove yellow stains from teeth naturally?
1. Flossing mouth
Flossing activity helps to remove the small food particles from the small crevices of teeth. It also removes the plaque layer from the teeth that are responsible for further tooth discoloration.
2. Eliminating food that causes food discoloration
Some of the food slowly starts causing tooth discoloration. Coffee, tea, sweet soft drinks, chocolates, etc. are some of the food that causes tooth discoloration.
3. Eating green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables have substituent that easily dilutes in the saliva helping to keep teeth clean. Eating more green leafy vegetables can be nice benefit for avoiding teeth discoloration.
4. Following proper dental hygiene
Following proper dental hygiene is the base of keeping away from tooth discoloration. If you follow proper dental hygiene then there is a lesser possibility of developing tooth discoloration.
How teeth scaling and polishing can treat tooth discoloration?
This is one of the effective solutions for treating teeth discoloration. They can help to remove the small stains, plaque layers, etc. from the teeth surface. This treatment would hardly need one or two visits to the dental office. Teeth scaling and polishing is one of the most suggested treatment methods by the dentist.
The only teeth scaling side effects is that causes a little sensitivity on the teeth for a few days. However, after a few days things are much simpler that can give a better smile on the face. If you are not ready to wait for long duration home remedies for yellow teeth treatment then getting the above treatment is always better.
Sabka dentist provides very affordable teeth scaling cost in India with effective treatment. They have a dental experts who can give all treatment properly. The teeth scaling and polishing treatment given by Sabka dentist can give better white teeth. Come here to get better tooth discoloration treatment.
Expert's Opinion
- Dr. Preethi Nagrajan Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “The problem of the yellow teeth has simply taken away the smile of many of the people. Knowing how to remove yellow teeth dilemma can help you to achieve your beautiful smile.”
About Author

Dr. Priyanka graduated in 2008, obtained her BDS degree from the faculty of dentistry at the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. Upon graduating, she was selected to complete a multi-disciplinary hospital residency at Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai. This residency provided her with advanced training in all the specialties of dentistry. Dr. Priyanka then moved to private practice, working as an associate dentist.
Dr. Priyanka has a diploma in Soft Tissue Lasers from IALD and fellowship in Implant & Esthetic Dentistry. Dr. Priyanka completed MBA in Hospital Management and Clinical Research. She has worked at Sabka Dentist since 2012 and is pleased to say that their advanced technology allows dentists like her to provide patients with painless, gentle dentistry and a pleasant experience.