Facts About Dental Fillings You Need to Know

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A dental filling is a treatment given by dentists to repair the missing structure of the tooth that is caused due to a cavity.
There has been a big improvement in the field of tooth filling in recent years. Dentists nowadays use various types of fillings depending on the type and severity of the case.

The cost of teeth filling has also dropped, and it has become affordable for many people.
What factors should one keep in mind when you want to get tooth filling? Let’s understand them in this blog.


There has been a big improvement in the field of tooth filling in recent years. Dentists nowadays use various types of fillings depending on the type and severity of the case.

The cost of teeth filling has also dropped, and it has become affordable for many people.

What factors should one keep in mind when you want to get tooth filling? Let’s understand them in this blog.

Dental Filling Cost

There could be tooth decay below the filling

Though the basic purpose of tooth filling is to prevent decay, sometimes, it reoccurs below a damaged dental filling.
If the quality of filling is not up to the mark, then is gets worn out from grinding pressure. When the person does not take precautions, then they can crack or break.

It gives a chance to bacteria to enter the tooth and multiply. They form a new cavity under the restoration.
To prevent this, one should take the proper care of the filling. It is important to follow the instructions of the dentist. Thus, permanent tooth filling remains stable and healthy.


It is important to choose the right material

Gone are those days when the only choice for a filling material was a silver amalgam. Though it was effective, the filling was visible in the mouth. Therefore, it was not aesthetically good. Nowadays, the composite resin material is common. It is because composite filling looks like natural teeth.
The dental filling cost of the composite filling suits the pockets of the majority of the people.

There are several types of fillings available today. A few examples are, gold, porcelain, glass ionomer, and so on. Out of the choices, amalgam fillings are quite popular. They are convenient and affordable.  Typically, amalgam fillings are made from silver, zinc, tin, or copper.

Nowadays, composite fillings are also becoming popular. They are identical tothe natural teeth.
The function of amalgam filling is great, but some people get conscious about their appearance.For them, composite filling is the best.
Resin fillings have also gained popularity in the recent years. Millions of people worldwide are using them.

One has to talk to the dentist about the filling material. After considering factors like suitability, affordability, and price; the dentist would suggest most suitable filling for you.


It requires one sitting to complete the filling

Usually, the filling does not require multiple visits. It can be done in just one sitting. The doctor gives local anesthesia to numb the area. The decayed hard tissues are removed before filling the cavity. This could be painful. Hence, anesthesia is applied.

Once the cleaning is done, the hole is filled and sealed, you are allowed to go home.
It is important to avoid eating for some time.


Every cavity does not need a filling

Does every cavity require filling? No, it is not the case. Your dentist will decide whether you need a filling or not. How the cavity is treated depends on how large it is.

It is not possible to save the cavity by a filling, if it is big and compromised the structure of the teeth. A filling will not be able to hold the tooth together. In such a scenario, you may need a root canal treatment and a dental crown to save the tooth.


The cavity will get worse if not treated

It is not the right thing to ignore a cavity.  The decay starts when a small decay, and it gets worse over time. Slowly, the cavity will envelop the whole tooth, and there may be a need for a tooth extraction.

Early tooth decay does not cause any symptoms. By the time you know it, there is already big damage happened.
People realize that there is some problem when there is a severe toothache, dental abscess, or sensitivity.

That is the reason doctors recommend regular checkups. It reveals the problem at the initial stage.
Every case is different, and it is essential to get the right filling to keep the tooth safe. With a little care, permanent tooth filling will remain intact for a long time.

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