Pediatric Dentistry in Mira Road

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What is a Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric dentists are those professionals who have completed four years of degree course from a reputed dental school and have acquired two years of additional training. They are devoted to providing the best treatment plan to children’s, infants and teenagers.


These dentists are selected based on their qualifications and experience to treat a child’s gum, teeth, and the entire oral hygiene. So if you want such a handpicked pediatric dentist in Mira Road, then Sabka Dentist must be your first choice.

Pediatric Dentist in Mira Road

A child’s oral health must be taken care of from one year of their age. This is the most crucial time as they start losing their first set of milk teeth which is eventually replaced by permanent teeth.


Without proper dental care, children may experience oral diseases and dental decay. Pediatric dentist expertise’s in techniques that are required to examine and treat children so that they feel comfortable.


They also use specially designed equipment in their clinic to fascinate the children. If you want your child to undergo dental treatment without fear then a child dentist in Mira Road from Sabka Dentist can help you through.


Common pediatric dental procedures

Sabka Dentist offers a wide range of pediatric dental treatment procedures. A pediatric dentist recommends appropriate dental procedures to their patients only after evaluating the severity of the condition. Following are the most common dental procedures –

  • Dental crowns – Pediatric dentist uses a stainless steel silver-colored crown mostly on the decayed or damaged chewing teeth that cannot be repaired with a dental filling. This procedure is effective in preventing extensive tooth or gum damage.
  • Dental fillings – A decayed, fractured or injured tooth is repaired with a natural-colored composite resin component by filling in a thoroughly cleaned cavity.
  • X-Ray – An x-ray procedure is performed to determine the dental condition of the patient which is not visible with the naked eye.
  • Dental Cleaning – Undergoing a dental cleaning procedure involves cleaning up the calculus and plaque layer from the tooth surface to maintain healthy oral hygiene.
  • Fluoride treatment – This treatment plan is used to protect teeth from decaying and demineralizing spots by promoting a remineralizing procedure on these spots.
  • Interceptive orthodontic care – This procedure is used to rectify a crooked gum shape, to achieve maximum change in minimum time.
  • Pulp treatment – Pulp treatment involves removing the damaged pulp without even affecting the damaged nerves and connective tissues.
  • Sealants – A sealant is a thin plastic coating that is used to seal the pits and fissures on the tooth surface that mostly lasts for about 5 to 10 years.
  • Space maintainers – The space maintainers are used to hold space of the lost or extracted teeth to prevent the drifting of its neighbouring teeth.

So if you are trying to find a child dentist in Mira Road to opt for any of the above-mentioned treatment procedures, then Sabka Dentist can be the right choice.


How to Prepare Child for Dental Visit

Is it your child’s first day at the dental clinic? Are you worried about it? Don’t worry it is really not that difficult to convince your child to visit a dentist. You just have to speak about it in the right way by using some simple and positive words.


It is very important for you to explain to your child that what might really happen in the clinic in a positive way. Usually, the first day in a clinic involves no treatment procedure, it’s just a meeting with the dentist and the entire team to establish a healthy relationship.


The prep procedure involves examining the condition of the existing teeth, the bite mark and also look for any potential problems. There are many children who might not feel comfortable in the treatment room. If you want your child to feel relaxed in company with a pediatric dentist in Mira Road then Sabka Dentist will be the best available option.


How to Choose a Pediatric Dentist

A pediatric dentist usually specializes in providing the best quality treatment to their children only after completing a degree course and a training session. But the fact is, choosing a pediatric dentist can be very difficult especially if you have hundreds of other options right in front of you.


So following are some of the most important points that must be considered before choosing a pediatric dentist –

  • After selecting a pediatric dentist, it is very important to verify their educational background and training of the dentist.
  • Check out if the selected pediatric dentist is a licensed member of the clinic.
  • Make sure that the pediatric dentist always utilizes the latest technologies and the most effective procedures.
  • Finally, find out if your child feels comfortable with the pediatric dentist you have chosen and he or she is able to understand every aspect of their dental condition.

Therefore, if you want to select a pediatric dentist in Mira Road to take appropriate care of your child, then Sabka Dentist is the best option to resolve all the dental problems.


Expert's Opinion


  • Dr. Jena Shah Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “Dental checkups are important to maintain good oral hygiene and a disease-free mouth”
  • Dr. Zita Antao Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “It is recommended that everyone should get a dental checkup done once every 6 months.”
  • Dr. Rupali Gujar Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “A dental checkup is a two-step process that includes evaluation of oral tissues followed by cleaning and polishing.”
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Sabka dentist Clinics