How to prevent tooth sensitivity?

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Pain in the tooth is not normal pain. It may lead to major problems like gum infections and other dental problems. Also, severe dental pain may lead to a major cause called sensitivity. Sensitivity in the tooth lasts for a minute but may appear again and again.

Sensitive teeth Causes:

Tooth sensitivity usually occurs when the outer surface of the tooth (enamel)gets thinner. It may also be a result of gum recession, thus exposing the tooth structure below the gum level.

sensitive teeth causes


The eating and drinking of hold and cold food and beverages are the main symptoms for shocking pain felt on the tooth, leading to sensitivity. This pain does not last for more than a minute.

This condition can be related to cavities, or a cracked tooth due to fall or habits like teeth clenching.

If you have felt pain in the tooth, it may occur due to hot or cold drinks or eateries. Sensitivity in the tooth can possibly lead to dental problems, and hence it is necessary to see or talk to the dentist. They will also help by taking forward the treatment by thorough dental checkups.

Sometimes other oral health may pinch the tooth, causing sensitivity in the tooth. Many other things affect sensitivity.

The dentist will help to find the cause by examining the teeth and nail down the cause by finding out a solution.

Caring of Your Tooth Enamel

It is the most protective layer in the mouth that protects the teeth from getting damaged. Enamel is a hard layer that is seen in the outer surface of the teeth. If the enamel gets damaged it will expose for the pain to occur.

Sensitivity in the tooth can indicate loss of enamel too.

To prevent the damaging here are some suggestions that brake the damage

sensitive teeth

  • Don’t brush too hard: Cleaning teeth by using a brush is a good oral hygiene routine. But, brushing roughly may lead to the damaging of the teeth. Brushing vigorously, like brushing till gum- line may lose the enamel faster. Hence, try using a soft-bristle toothbrush and brush your teeth with an angle of 45 degrees to your gum to keep enamel clean and strong.
  • Avoid acidic foods and drinks: Sticky, sugary, soda, etc may attack the enamel. Rather eating unhygienic and unhealthy food jump on healthy snacks like:
    1. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables
    2. Cheese
    3. Milk
    4. Plain yogurt

These are the food particles that moist your mouth and fight against the poor acid and bacteria that are poor for your oral health. Saliva is the strongest agent that fights all the unwanted bacteria.
There are also other healthy eateries like black tea or chew sugarless gum. Even if you eat something acidic, wait for an hour rather than brushing immediately.

  • Unclench your teeth: Teeth grinding or clenching pulls away from your enamel. Clenching of the teeth occurs due to stress and other anxiety problems too. To keep the grinding in control, dentists suggest with a mouth guard that will keep the grinding in control.
    If the problem is not under control even after wearing a mouthguard dentist will work to change your teeth position and by muscle relaxation.
  • Take a break from bleaching: Whitening treatment is considered to be saved and beneficial. But, repeating the treatment many times can cause pain in the tooth. This is because the dentist uses a chemical agent called bleach to remove the stains from the teeth and hence, causes sensitivity in the teeth.
    Get to the Root of the Problem

Sometimes, other signs and symptoms can be the reason for tooth sensitivity and they are like:

  • Natural gums recession: Gum recession happens naturally after a certain age. The gums wear off that pulls out the tooth from the root and then these roots are no more protected by the enamel and hence, they are likely to have more sensitivity in the tooth.
  • Gum disease: The major reason for gum diseases is the settling of the plaque and tartar on the teeth. It may destroy the gums that can likely result in insensitivity.


Once the dentist finds out the cause for the pain, they will start up with the treatment of preventing pain. Here, are the few treatments that will help to ease the pain:

  • Proving toothpaste to control the sensation
  • Fluoride gel
  • Fillings that cover exposed roots
  • Sealants
  • Desensitizing pastes (provided by the dentist)
  • A mouthguard that helps to keep your mouth grinding in control.
  • In some severe cases, root canal treatment will be suggested by the dentist

It is very important to seek dental care during the tooth because ignoring the problem may make the pain worse. To keep the mouth healthy and hygienic, brush and floss twice, and atleast for two minutes will help to reduce the pain. At the same time, it is necessary to see a dentist twice a year for a routine dental checkup.

Expert opinion

  • Dr.
    Manan Dhulia
    Dental Director of Sabka dentist says ” Sensitivity experienced in the tooth has many dental as well as natural reasons that may spoil the oral health and troubles you throughout the day. Hence, see a dentist for a better solution”


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