Dentures are removable appliances that help replace missing teeth. For people who have only one or few teeth missing, a removable partial denture is advised. This denture covers the area without teeth. People with no teeth are advised to have removable complete dentures.
These dentures are false teeth that fit over the ridge of the gums and help restore the empty space. Once all the teeth are extracted the dentist will advise a complete denture for the patient. How do new dentures feel? Initially wearing dentures can be extremely uncomfortable and might feel a little loose or bulky.
A denture is a foreign object and cannot replicate the same feeling as natural teeth. Some peopl e might also experience slurred speech, gagging, excessive salivation, loss of taste and difficulty in chewing.
This feeling will go with time and one will get used to wearing dentures. One should wear dentures at least 8 hours in a day to get the mouth used to the denture. If one faces difficulty in chewing one should start with soft foods first, then proceed to harder or sticky foods.
Soon, the ridge of the gums adapts to the dentures and one starts feeling comfortable. It takes 2-4 weeks for patients to get used to the dentures. Once you are used to the dentures avoid wearing the dentures at night. Contact your dentist if you get any sores, if the denture is hurting or if you face any other issues with regards to the denture.
Are dentures comfortable?
You may have heard how uncomfortable dentures are! Different thoughts come to mind during getting dentures like it is painful, does not last long, are difficult and annoying to wear.
But, due to the dynamic change in technology it has changed the techniques. Dentures are now made comfortable for the patient with missing teeth. It is made more functional for the people who can now easily chew and speak.
What is expected for comfortable dentures?
Speaking, chewing, and producing saliva are the common reasons and experiences to wear comfortable dentures. When you wear dentures for the first time, you will feel uncomfortable and unpleasant as the dentures are the installation of the missing teeth.
In the beginning you will feel to remove the dentures. In such cases, the only solution is to wear it for a couple of hours and slowly increase the time of wearing them everyday. The wearing of dentures will bring comfort to your teeth.
Exercise Your Mouth
When you are wearing the dentures, specific exercise will help to keep dentures to be comfortable. If you want comfortable dentures, exercising your cheeks by holding the smile for 10 seconds can build up your face muscles. This will result in proper and easy eating. This is beneficial that this will make your mouth and dentures comfortable.
Eating with Dentures
Eating with dentures is quite a tough task in the beginning. Hence, eat slowly with dentures. It is recommended to eat soft food and chew properly that will make it comfortable dentures in the start.
Find the Right Adhesive
To keep the dentures fixed adhesive is the solution to keep it in place. Be open to trying different denture creams and adhesives in order to find your optimal fit. Adhesive can’t be a fix replacement for ill- fitting dentures.
Be Patient
In the start dentures are quite uncomfortable as they are new sets of teeth that are made for functionality. It will bring an odd sensation to the mouth and cheeks. If there is swelling after wearing the comfortable dentures rinse your mouth with warm salt water for a few days until the swelling is totally gone.
At Sabka dentist, the dental team is happy to walk you through the denture procedures. Contact or book an appointment to schedule a free consultation today!
Expert opinion
- Dr. Zita Antao Dental Director of Sabka dentist says "Denture makes it possible to eat and speak properly. Apart from this dentures have many positive advantages.”