All About Diabetes and Dental awareness

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How does diabetes affect your teeth?

  • High blood sugar means high growing plaqueStudies have proven that a high blood sugar level leads to high plaque accumulation on teeth. Plaque is a white- coloured substance formed by bacterias and food particles that are stick on your teeth. High plaque leads to tartar formation, even decay. It may also lead to Gingivitis and periodontitis (advanced gum disorders) when your sugar is not under control, Gum disorders start to develop. 1 in 5 diabetic patients has lost their teeth because of having intense gum disorders.

diabetes patient gum disease

  • Dry Mouth: Uncontrolled diabetic patients have less salivary secretions inside the mouth. They often have a dry mouth which is the root cause of decay formation. Saliva is a saver that keeps your mouth clean and protected. If you have less saliva, the natural cleansing mechanism of our oral cavity gets hampered and leads to decay, gum diseases, and bad odour.

diabetes causes dry mouth xerostomia

  • Delayed wound healing: Poorly controlled diabetes can slow down the healing process after dental surgery or other dental procedures because blood flow to the affected area will be restricted. Also, Diabetic patients have a poor immune system which makes fighting against any infection a little difficult. And thus it may lead to delayed wound healing and chances of reinfection are high. So keep a check on any injury in the oral cavity. if you find anything that is not getting healed properly, see your dentist right away.

wound healing problem

  • Infections: Fungal infections (oral candidiasis/oral thrush) is most commonly seen in diabetic patients. The fungus thrives on the higher amount of sugar found in your saliva. It looks like a curd-like white layer coating on your tongue and the insides of your cheeks. Thrush is more common in people who wear dentures. It can often leave a bad taste in your mouth if you have improper-fitting dentures, watch out for the infections on corner of your lips and do inform your dentist about it.


  • Aggregating factors
    1. Are you a smoker or an alcoholic? Success rates of any dental procedure are comparatively low if you have these habits with diabetes
    2. Are you a pregnant diabetic? If you are diabetic, plan your pregnancy only after getting yourself treated for even the smallest dental problems. If you are diagnosed during the pregnancy visit your dentist and get yourself checked for any signs of dental problems.
    3. Are you a diabetic for a long span? If you have long-standing diabetes, mention it to your dentist before getting advanced treatment. Post-treatment results for chronic diabetics are not very good if they had uncontrolled diabetes in their previous years.

Proper dental care

Dental care and Diabetes

To help prevent damage to your teeth and gums, take diabetes and dental care seriously

  1. Make a commitment to manage your diabetes: Monitor your blood sugar level, and follow your doctor’s instructions for keeping your blood sugar level within your target range. The better you control your blood sugars, the less likely you are to develop gingivitis and other dental problems. Keep an eye on your HbA1c and keep it under 7 at any cost.
  2. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is very important: Brush in the morning, at night, and ideally, after meals and snacks. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that contains fluoride. Avoid vigorous or harsh brushing, which can irritate your gums.
  3. Inform: Make sure your dentist knows you have diabetes. Every time you visit your dentist, remind him or her that you have diabetes. Before every appointment with your dentist, make sure you have your medications and have food to avoid hypoglycemia.

It’s a two-way street.

Research also suggests that the relationship between serious gum disease and diabetes is two-way. Not only are people with diabetes more susceptible to serious gum disease, but serious gum disease may have the potential to increase blood glucose levels leading to the progression of diabetes.

So keep your sugar under control and keep your gums clean and follow the daily dental routine.

Keep smiling!

Expert opinion

  • Dr.
    Zita Antao
    Dental Director of Sabka dentist says ” Diabetics and dental problems don’t go well together. So if you are one of them, Pay the most attention to oral health because you are at risk!”


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