Teeth Whitening Options

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How many options are there for teeth whitening?

The dark stained teeth are disliked by most of the people as it gives a very bad look for the individual. Nobody wants the black stains or yellowish teeth color and sometimes despite maintaining good oral hygiene like teeth brushing and flossing, dark stains or yellowish layer is inevitable. Here, maintaining teeth whitening can help you to get rid of stains on the teeth and achieve white teeth. It has been found that post teeth whitening treatment, the individuals have gained a great level of confidence with the newer white teeth look. Now, if you are thinking of going for the teeth whitening option then go straight to the dental clinic and get the suggestion of different options for treatment.

Common causes of teeth discoloration: causes of teeth discoloration

  • More acidic and sugary food consumption causes an increase in the bacteria development on the teeth
  • More tobacco chewing and smoking habits
  • No proper flossing of the teeth after a meal
  • Taking medications that can lead to the teeth discoloration

What process is there in the teeth whitening? teeth whitening at home

Initially, a proper examination of the teeth is made to check the severity of the stains. Here, apart from teeth, the other aspects of oral health will also be considered like the patient’s gums, condition of the neighboring teeth, etc. The first step will be of cleaning the teeth in a proper way then using a proper shield that protects the gums. The essential whitening solution is then applied for the whitening of the teeth. The hydrogen peroxide-based whitening is then used on the teeth for around 45 minutes. Then depending on the severity of the stains and the level of whitening you need for the teeth, your appointment may vary from 2 to 4 appointments.

How many options are available for teeth whitening? teeth whitening

The different options available for teeth whitening are as follows:

1. Vital whitening

The vital whitening treatment is done for the vital, natural, and healthy tooth. Here, the bleaching solution is applied to whitening the vital tooth surface. This treatment will be useful in the brightening of the teeth.

2. Non-vital whitening

The non-vital whitening process is used in the case of the root canal treatment. Intrinsic staining sometimes happens in the case of the root canal. A special dental bleaching agent is used in this case where it is put inside the tooth. It is kept there for some while still achieving the desired teeth color. After some duration, it is removed and the tooth is sealed with white filling.

3. Teeth whitening at home

Here, the dental experts will give the whitening gel to the patient which needs to be put on the teeth every day for a specific duration. Doing this regularly can help you to achieve white teeth within three to four days. Also, many of the whitening products are now available for achieving this. This whitening is applied as the gel on the teeth.

4. In-Office whitening

In-office whitening has more whitening gel that is more powerful. Laser light is a use here to activate the gel which can give faster results. Two to three appointments may be needed for this treatment. Teeth bleaching may respond differently to different teeth.

Depending on your comfort and your budget, you can go for any of the options. Teeth whitening are one of the effective ways to get bright white teeth for achieving a better smile along with improving Oral health.

Expert opinion

  • Dr. Ankita Gada Dental Director of Sabka dentist says "Teeth whitening are an effective way of getting rid of the stains and discoloration of the teeth. It can make your teeth white in a quicker way. It can make you feel more comfortable while smiling and talking. Teeth whitening will need only a few appointments to get the desired treatment."

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Sabka dentist Clinics