An increasing concern for maintaining dental health has made many people find all the ways for improving dental health. Brushing and flossing are two basic oral health hygiene habits that have been done by people since childhood.
Of course, this habit will help the individuals to maintain better oral health to much extent. Despite following these two oral hygiene habits, many people struggle with some or other dental problems. Plaque is one such type of gum disease that has been troubling a lot of people.
There are many other things through which one can maintain oral health. One such method is to improve oral health with oil pulling better. They help in diluting the plaque and remove it properly.
What is Oil Pulling?
Oil pulling involves the activity of pulling and swishing the oil of a specific type and then removing it from the mouth. This activity dilutes the plaque and other bacteria to dilute in the oil which usually is hard to clean through normal brushing activity.
What type of oil for oil pulling should be used?
It is not possible to use every type of oil for the oil pulling activity. Only a few types of oil can be used for the oil pulling activity. Coconut oil, Sesame oil, Sunflower oil, and Olive oil are some types of oil that are usually used for the oil pulling activity.
You need not have to think about which is the best type of oil for oil is pulling activity. You can do the oil pulling with different oil to get better results.
How does oil pulling activity work?
Removing the harmful bacteria that develops the plaque which affects dental health badly is the main advantage of oil pulling activity. Different kinds of bacteria affect your oral health where they form a thin layer on the surface of the teeth. This layer eventually develops to become plaque which slowly starts destroying the teeth.
Generally, some quantity of thin bacteria layer is normal and it does not affect the teeth. However, the problem starts when the plaque starts developing in more quantity. Here, the oil pulling has the ability to dilute the different types of bacteria and remove them from the mouth.
Swishing the oil in the mouth and throwing it removes maximum bacteria from the mouth which otherwise would have been difficult to remove through normal brushing. You can choose any best type of oil for oil pulling that suits you for performing oil pulling activity.
Procedure of Oil pulling:
After taking the suitable oil, it must be swished in the mouth properly. The swishing activity must be done for at least 4 to 5 minutes in around. Likewise, the activity must be done around 3 to 4 times. Make sure that the oil pulling activity is done in the morning when the stomach is generally empty for around 2 to 3 hours.
After performing the oil pulling activity ensure that it must not be swallowed as it contains different types of bacteria and other toxins. The sitting position is the proper way to do the oil pulling. It is recommended that the activity must be done by a person above 8 years of age.
If a person is suffering through other problems like fever, ulcers, tendency to vomit, asthma, or any other problem then it must be done only twice. Also, proper care must be taken in such circumstances. You can improve oral health with oil pulling by following the proper procedure for it.
How oil pulling can be advantageous?
Oil pulling is ultimately an effective way to get rid of the problems like plaque and tartar.
Here are some of the advantages of the oil pulling activity:
Oil pulling is helpful in removing the harmful bacteria from the mouth that adversely affect the oral health
It has been found that the oil pulling activity also improves the overall health of the body making a person remain energized
These are some of the advantages of the oil pulling activity. You can do the oil pulling with different oil as per your convenience. Extensive research has been carried on the oil pulling activity, every dental expert can confidently suggest oil pulling for improving oral health.
It can be safely used by people above 8 years of age. Do not think as to which is the best type of oil for oil pulling, you can choose any of the oils mentioned above. Ensure you do the oil pulling activity properly to get better oral health.
Expert opinion
Ankita Gada Dental Director of Sabka dentist says "Oil pulling activity is one of the better ways to get rid of the plaque from the mouth. Dental experts suggest some oils like Coconut oil, Sesame oil, Sunflower oil, and Olive oil for this. Ensure that your stomach is empty while doing the activity. Oil pulling can also help to improve the overall oral health properly.”
Dr. Jena after graduating as a Dental Surgeon in 2007 she started working under a well known private practitioner as an associate Dentist. After one and a half years of experience in private clinic she joined a reputed trust Total Dental Care in january 2010 and continues her work with us till the time it got converted into a large dental chain SABKA DENTIST.
Dr.Jena is associated with SABKADENTIST from the time of its inception. Initially she worked as an associate Dentist and was promoted to the post of Dental Director in August 2011. Initially she was given a responsibility of handling many operations of the clinic. Her hard work paid off when she was ultimately given the charge of Audit and Compliance of all clinics of SABKADENTIST across 5 cities. Her solitary goal is to put the company on the peak through stringent Audit and Compliance.