How to Fix Gaps in Teeth Without Getting Braces

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A wide smile with proper teeth alignment makes a person look pleasant usually. However, the gap between teeth is one factor that takes away the beauty of your smile. The space between the upper incisors of the teeth is observed in many patients.


While going for the treatment of closing the space between the teeth, the braces treatment is one of the common treatments recommended by many Orthodontists.


Note that the gap between the teeth is observed after the age of 9 to 12 years prominently, treatment must be considered sooner. Otherwise, there are chances of the space getting wider between the teeth along the course of duration.

What will I do to close the gap between my teeth?

A gap between the teeth may not give any pain in most cases. However, it does not give a better look for your smile too. To close the gap between teeth, you need to take Orthodontic treatment.


Here, the Orthodontist will usually use the braces treatment for the space between teeth problems. However, due to the long duration treatment process and complexities in putting the braces constantly, it discourages the people from braces treatment.


A huge cost associated with the braces treatment is also another reason for people avoiding braces treatment. So, there are some other treatment options too available to close the gap between teeth without using the braces. Before looking more into other treatment options, let us know why closing the gap between teeth is essential.

What are the disadvantages of the teeth gap?

  • A gap between teeth causes the food to accumulate easily in the space that can further cause cavity development on teeth.
  • In some cases, the crowding of the neighbouring nearby teeth is observed due to a gap in the front teeth.
  • Problem in speaking the sentences clearly.
  • It degrades the quality of the smile that can tend the person to hide face while smiling.

What are the ways to close the teeth gaps without braces?

People who are reluctant to use the braces treatment can choose other treatment options for the treatment.

Here are some ways to close the teeth gaps without braces treatment:

1. Dental Bonding dental bonding

Dental bonding is one of the ways to treat the space between teeth problems. A resin that has tooth color is applied to the tooth. This resin resembles the color of the tooth and it is hardened using a special light.


The dental bonding is stain resistant. This option is most suitable if the gap between the teeth is of larger size. This treatment option is even used in case when there is a chip or broken teeth problem. It is very important for the person to take proper care after the dental bonding treatment.

2. SD align [Aligners]

The gap between the teeth problem can even be treated with the SD align treatment. SD alignments are the aligners that are put on the teeth that exert appropriate pressure from both the ends of the teeth to fill the gap and come closer.


These aligners have the same color as that of the teeth, making it difficult for the other person to detect the appliance. SD align is a little expensive compared to the braces treatment. However, its property of invisibility and removableness when required attracts many individuals to go ahead with this treatment.

3. Veneers dental Veneers

In Veneer treatment, a porcelain veneer is bonded to the front teeth. A little reshaping of the tooth needs to be done here, some enamel layer of the tooth is removed. Here, a thin portion of the porcelain is taken and given a shape that looks like the tooth.


They cover the gap of the teeth along with any minor imperfection. After proper bonding, the porcelain becomes very strong making it easier to eat food. Veneers are one of the long-lasting treatment types that are the better option for teeth gap treatment.

4. Dentures

Dentures can be used for the problem of space between teeth. These treatments are properly suited when many teeth are removed from the area of gap teeth. A person has the option of choosing either complete dentures or partial dentures. Removable dentures can be used in case of small gaps.


These are some of the different treatment options for the problem gap between teeth without using braces. A proper examination has to be done to know the position of the teeth and jaw. It will help to analyse the treatment option that can work out in a particular scenario.


It is always better to seek advice from the Orthodontist before going for any particular treatment option. The above treatment options without using braces are very cost-effective with respect to the braces treatment. Before going for any of the options for the treatment, know the direction of the treatment. It is also important for the person to follow proper caring guidelines after the treatment.

Expert's Opinions

  • Dr. Jena Shah Dental Director of Sabka dentist says "Teeth gaps reduce the beauty of the smile and create different Orthodontic issues. Orthodontists majorly recommend braces treatment. However, a person can get other treatment options without using braces. A person can choose the options as per the Orthodontist advice and budget."

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Sabka dentist Clinics