How to Stop / Control Bleeding Gums?

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Bleeding gums are very common. Most people in India experience it at some point in their life. But most people ignore bleeding gum and do not do anything about it.


This could lead to serious circumstances. Bleeding gums are generally associated with gum disease and hence bleeding gums are a red flag and one should visit a dentist at a dental clinic as soon as one sights bleeding gums.


One more important thing to note are the things that one generally does when they notice bleeding gums. Almost one in five (19%) immediately stop brushing the bleeding area and nearly one in ten (8%) stop brushing all together. A little more than one in 100 (1%) take the decision to book a dental appointment with a dentist at a dental clinic.
So, lets note that things that one should do to avoid bleeding gums and hence all the other problems associated with it.
1. You must brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes with a toothpaste containing fluoride.
fluoride toothpaste
More than 95% of urban Indians do not brush twice a day. Most people only brush once a day. We must brush our teeth twice a day every day with toothpaste that contains fluoride.


This is important for the health of our gums and also basic oral hygiene. For the best results, the last time you do before sleeping should be to brush your teeth. An electric toothbrush will help in brushing better and also provide better oral hygiene.


Also, most Indians do not follow the right brushing technique which causes damage to the tooth structure. For the correct brushing technique please click here. We should also spit the excess tooth brush and we should not rinse our mouth with water.


Rinsing your mouth with water removes the fluoride layer that the toothpaste created on our teeth. The fluoride from the toothpaste should stay on our teeth longer to give the protection that toothpaste manufacturers promise us.


2. Floss and interdental brushes are the best partner to toothbrushes and toothpastes to ensure better oral heath.
Toothbrushes cannot access the gaps and spaces in between teeth. This is primarily where the plaque is generally found. Flossing ensures that this plaque is removed from the gaps in the teeth and the gums. Interdental brushes also do the same.


There are plenty of studies that have claimed that good oral hygiene and gum health are linked with a reduced risk of heart disease. This makes gum care even more important.


3. Use of fluoride-containing mouthwash for maintaining fresh breath and good oral hygiene.
Mouthwash is also a great tool to maintain oral health. A good fluoride mouthwash will help to clear our mouth of debris. It will also aid in preventing plaque buildup and hence the formation of tartar on the teeth. In addition to the removal of plaque, it also kills the bacteria in the mouth which causes bad breath and hence the mouthwash also freshens our breath.


It is important to use a fluoride-containing mouthwash since it will also provide additional protection throughout the day.


4. Preventive Dental Checkup & Professional Dental Cleaning every 6 months
We all service our cars every 6 months. We deep clean our house once every year during Diwali, Eid, or Christmas. Similarly, we need to provide a preventive cleaning and checkup of our mouth.


Hence it is necessary to visit a dentist at a dental clinic once every 6 months to get a preventive dental checkup and also get a professional cleaning and scaling of the teeth.


This was most dental problems like gum disease and decay can be avoided. Gum bleeding can also be avoided by regular dental cleaning and scaling.

If our gums continue to bleed over a prolonged period, it is important that we don’t wait but visit the dentist immediately.


Sabka Dentist provides the perfect solution for preventive dental care via its Pro-Clean Professional Dental Cleaning Package. With the Pro-Clean Package you get a Professional Dental Cleaning and a complete preventive dental checkup for just Rs.100/-.

Click to Book a Pro-Clean Professional Dental Cleaning package at Sabka Dentist.

5. Healthy diet and lifestyle
quit smoking
It is very important to maintain healthy diet not just for bleeding gums but also to maintain overall health. A healthy diet will ensure that our mouth functions in perfect order. Sugar is one of the biggest causes for dental and health problems.


Hence, avoiding added and excess sugar in foods keeps your mouth as well as over all body healthy. Other lifestyle related factors like smoking and alcohol consumption is also a cause for problems in our oral environment.


Smokers generally are more prone to gum disease. This is because smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, so the infected gums don’t get the chance to heal.


It might be easy to overlook bleeding gums and think they is quite harmless. adds Dr Manan. However, the harsh reality is that if we ignore them then we could end up losing teeth.


It could also lead to a number of other diseases and have a negative impact on our overall wellbeing. Healthy gums are needed to support healthy teeth. Please don’t ignore bleeding when brushing.

Expert opinion

    Dr. Reena Waghela Dental Director at Sabka Dentist says “It is very important to brush twice a day since it removes plaque. If the plaque is not removed, it hardens over time to form tartar. This build-up of plaque and tartar causes tooth decay and gum disease.”

    Dr. Manan Dhulia Dental Director at Sabka Dentist says “Initially when one starts using floss and interdental brushes, there is a bright possibility that you may notice bleeding gums because of the same. But we must continue using floss and interdental brushes. One or two weeks after starting the use of interdental brushes and flossing, the bleeding generally stops.”

    Dr. Preethi Nagarajan Dental Director at Sabka Dentist says“Gums are the basic infrastructure for healthy teeth and hence it is important that we take good care of our gums. Mouthwashes can help treat and prevent gum problems and give our mouth the fresh and healthy feeling it deserves.”

    Dr. Rupali Gujar Dental Director at Sabka Dentist adds “Once we have removed the plaque, the health of our mouth should improve, and our gums should stop bleeding. If the bleeding does not stop, we should tell the dentist. It may be that we are not cleaning correctly, or that our mouth needs a more thorough clean by the dentist at a dental clinic with a scaler.”

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