Which Type of Retainer Is Right for You?

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Everybody needs a retainer after support. Regardless of whether you’ve had broad orthodontic treatment to fix swarmed and skewed teeth, or on the off chance that you’ve had shorter halfway treatment, a retainer will shield your teeth from returning to their unique position.


Retainers are essential in the event that you would prefer not to wear supports again to address moving!

Any retainer is a decent choice insofar as you’re agreeable. Peruse on to become familiar with the sorts of retainers and investigate which one might be the most ideal alternative for you.

Various Types of Retainers

There are a couple of types of retainers including removable and permanent. Every type of retainers has its advantages and disadvantages, however they each fill a similar need – to keep teeth straight after support. Contingent upon your case, we may suggest one of the accompanying sorts of retainers:

Removable Retainers

A vacuum structure retainer (VFR) is a reasonable horseshoe-formed bit of material that is personally molded to fit over your teeth. The advantages of VFR retainers incorporate that they’re clear and stylish (incredible for photographs!), agreeable and not as massive as different retainers.


A few patients who crush their teeth may discover an issue with VFRs in light of the fact that they can be worn out because of rehashed teeth pounding.


A Hawley retainer is a customary retainer consisting of a plastic piece shaped for your rooftop or floor of the mouth joined to a wire that fits over the front of your teeth. Hawley retainers are incredible in light of the fact that they are strong and we have a more prominent capacity to make alterations with them.


For instance, if a tooth or two were to move somewhat, we can some of the time modify the wire to re-fix the teeth. You frequently can’t do that with different sorts of retainers. In any case, Hawley retainers are less tasteful than a VFR and a few patients find that talking and gulping are progressively troublesome when wearing them.

Permanent Retainers

A fixed lingual retainer comprises a wire attached to the rear of your teeth. I ordinarily suggest a changeless retainer if the teeth were pivoted, swarmed, or had a great deal of dispersing between them before treatment. The extraordinary piece of a fixed retainer is that it’s changeless so you don’t need to consider taking it in or out since it’s solidified to your teeth.


Be that as it may, fixed lingual retainers are frequently hard to clean. The lower front teeth will in general gather a great deal of plaque and analytics after some time, which can prompt further dental issues not far off. So in the event that you do have a fixed lingual retainer, make certain to clean it cautiously consistently.

fixed lingual retainers

Another con of a perpetual retainer is that they will in general be hazardous and need more crisis orthodontic consideration than removable retainers do. On the off chance that a fixed lingual retainer breaks, you need to make an arrangement decently fast to get it fixed to abstain from moving of the teeth.


Perpetual retainers are in fact the most changeless kind of retainers, yet they’re as yet not idiot proof! Along these lines, I will regularly prescribe a removable retainer notwithstanding a lasting retainer-to be safe.

How Often Do You Have to Wear A Retainer?

I commonly suggest that my patients wear their retainer after school and around evening time for two months in the wake of having their supports evacuated. From that point forward, I suggest they wear their retainer consistently.


Keep in mind, your teeth will remain set up just in the event that you keep on wearing your retainer as recommended! On the off chance that you would prefer not to have long orthodontic treatment once more, at that point make sure to wear your retainer.

Why Are Retainers Necessary?

Retainers are significant… particularly on the off chance that you would prefer not to have supports once more! Our group can adjust your teeth and move them where we have to, yet after your supports fall off we despite everything need something set up to balance out all that progress we made.


Teeth can move for an amazing duration. Any little power after some time can cause little moves in arrangement and situation, and those little moves can prompt greater movements. Retainers help keep these movements from happening after supports are evacuated. 


Don’t hestitate to reach out to us for more details.

Expert opinion

  • Dr. Jena Shah Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “Retainers for teeth are mostly used as the last phase of orthodontics treatment. After the braces have been removed, teeth can shift back to their original position.”

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Frequently Asked Question

Can I drink with my retainer?

You can drink water with your retainers. However, eating and drinking other beverages must be restricted with the retainers. It may damage your retainers and increase the chances of bacteria building up.

Do I have to brush my teeth every time before putting my retainer?

Retainers require special care and attention as braces. Remove your retainers before eating and drinking(except water) and properly clean your teeth and retainer before wearing them.

Things to avoid while wearing aligners?

  • Don’t wear your retainers while playing sports.
  • Don’t eat anything while wearing your retainers.
  • Don’t drink beverages with your aligners except for water.

How many hours should you wear your retainer for them to function?

Just like aligners, one must wear retainers for at least 22 hours, even while you sleep, and only be removed while eating and drinking.

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Sabka dentist Clinics