How deep is your cavity?

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Have you ever wondered the cavity was deeper than you thought? The sign of hole in tooth is cavity & its happens with most people. Hole in tooth needs to be fixed as soon as possible otherwise it will damage the whole tooth.


People often think the cavity is shallower but it spreads all over the tooth without showing any severe symptoms. Not treating cavity causes the infection to penetrate the deeper level. When it reaches the pulp then the pain starts to appear.


These process will not happen overnight. This will take time to spread each layer of the tooth. You can prevent spreading by treating it at the right time. This will save your tooth structure.


As explained above the cavity spread from layer to layer. If you treat the cavity early that will save damaging the next level.

dental cavities

How Would I treat the cavity?

If your cavity is in the first three stages as explained in the image it can be treated by the Filling procedure. But if it is in the last stage ( where infection reached the pulp) the root canal treatment has to be proceeded.


The signs of hole in teeth are called cavities, depending upon their degree and territory. Right when a pit is just beginning, you probably won’t have any symptoms at all. As the decay gets greater, it may cause signs, for instance,

hole in teeth

Toothache, unconstrained desolation or torment that occurs with no obvious explanation

  • Tooth affectability
  • Delicate to sharp torment when eating or drinking something sweet, hot or cold
  • Recognizable gaps or pits in your teeth
  • Earthy colored, dark or white recoloring on any surface of a tooth
  • Agony when you clamp down

Root Canal Treatment:

Nothing is as good as an original tooth! And sometimes your natural tooth may require endodontic(root canal) treatment for it to remain a healthy part of your mouth. Most patients describe that having endodontic (root canal) treatment today is as unremarkable as having a cavity filled. They have wide experience in this regard.

Root canal treatment procedure

Why is the Root Canal performed?

The pulp is the living tissue of the tooth with blood supply and nerve tissues. Dental caries (decay) enters the pulp causing pain. The object of the root canal treatment is to remove the infection from the pulp.


This is done by removing the infected pulp with files in the pulp chamber and cleaning and shaping the root canals and sealing the canal with a filling substance.

The Story Of Root Canal Therapy

Each of our teeth has a soft tissue ( the pulp which nourishes the tooth). Because of deep decay, injury, or gum disease infection attacks the pulp. In any other part of your body, if a similar tissue becomes diseased, the body simply throws it off and produces new tissue.


However, a tooth is different. Because the infected soft tissue(pulp) within the tooth is completely encased within hard tissue, it is the role of the dentist to remove the soft tissue located in the root canals, clean the area, and finally fill the canals with a special material so that bacteria cannot re-invade the tooth to cause another infection.


When the endodontic treatment is finished, the tooth is by no means “dead”. It receives quite enough support from the surrounding tissues and may be expected to last as long as any other natural tooth.


STEP 1: After the tooth is anesthetized, a hole is made through the crown into the pulp chamber.

STEP 2: The length of the root canals is defined.

STEP 3: Unhealthy pulp is separated. Canals are cleaned.

STEP 4: Canals are filled and sealed. A metal post may be combined for structural assistance or to retain restorative materials.

STEP 5: The tooth is filled with a temporary filling. Usually, a crown adds further.

Saving the natural tooth is Important. A root canal treatment aimed to save the your tooth with the no damage done to your surrounding teeth.


Frequently Asked Question

Can a cavity heal on its own?

Cavities also called dental caries, can be healed at the starting stage with special care and fluoride treatment. but as the cavity increases the chances of its healing naturally decreases. 

Can oil pulling prevent the cavity?

Oil pulling is an effective way to take care of your dental health as nutrients in oil kill’s all the harmful bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease, which are the leading cause of tooth decay. 

Can a cavity turn into a root canal?

If your cavity is in the early stages, it can be treated by the tooth filling procedure. But if it is in the last stage the root canal has to proceed.

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Sabka dentist Clinics