Pediatric Dentistry

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When you are considering the health of your child. Your child’s oral health is as important as their general health. Most parents tend to neglect the oral health of their children. And only take it seriously when a major dental problem arises. However, approaching a pediatric dental clinic near you can be instrumental in avoiding a further major dental problem.
What is a Pediatric Dentist?
If you are worried about the oral health of your child who lies somewhere in the age bracket from infancy to teen years, then it is always a good idea to consult a pediatric dentist.
Searching for a pediatric dentist who is dedicated and would be focused on providing your child with the optimal amount of care can be difficult. In that case, just searching “pediatric dentist near me” online might not just be enough.
Hence, we suggest that while you are searching “kids dentist near me” on your search engine, then it is always a good idea to look at kid’s dentists who have the required qualification and education to take care of your child’s gums, teeth, and mouth throughout all the stages of their childhood.
After a child is born, he or she starts to get their first set of baby teeth during the first six months of their life period. This first set of baby teeth is not lost until the child reaches the age of 6 or 7 years. At this stage, the baby teeth of the child are replaced by more permanent teeth.
This set of permanent teeth is also known as secondary teeth. If you as a parent or guardian fail to assist your child in maintaining good oral hygiene during that period then, that can result in your child suffering from a range of dental complications and pain throughout their entire life. Some of those complications include oral decay and other dental diseases.
According to the best kids dentist, infectious dental diseases in children are five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever. Hence, it is essential to take appropriate steps to remedy this situation. And the first step to do that is by searching for “children dentist near me” on your local search engine.
Pediatric dentistry deals with the oral health of children. Pediatric dentists are specializations and qualifications in treating the Oral health problem of children. The milk teeth start erupting in the children from six months, and before attaining around nine years of age, they lose all their milk teeth.
Although milk teeth are temporary teeth set, they are essential too as they pave the path for the permanent teeth set. before an individual can practice dentistry for children, Ideally, he or she needs to complete four years of dental school and two years of residency training in children dental care.
General Dentist vs. Pediatric dentist

If you are a guardian or a parent, then you might be confused regarding whether you should opt for a general dentist or children’s dental clinic. Now, depending on the specific condition of ease and availability, both can be valid options.
However, what if when you live in proximity to both Kids dentist (pediatric dentist) and a general dentist? In that case, you need to make a thoroughly informed decision depending on the exact advantages and disadvantages.
According to kids dental expert, when a general dentist graduates from an accredited institute, then he or she proceeds to obtain a license of medical dentistry practice in his or her state. After that, the dentist is entirely free to practice on people belonging to all age groups.
This does not mean that there won’t be certain conditions or diseases in which an individual will not have the expertise of dealing with. This is somewhat similar to how pediatricians function.
A general dentist deals with the overall dental health of adults. Where else, a Pediatric dentist is a dentist who deals with the oral health of children around 16 years of age. So, while searching for the best children’s dentist near you, they must be the Pediatric dentist.
Different types of treatment Pediatric Dentist do:
– Oral health examination of the infants
– Teeth cleaning treatment
– Counseling for the proper dental health care
– Treatment for the dental injuries
– Proper management of oral health conditions.
Kids dentist or medical experts who work in pediatric dental clinics follow a certain set of standards which has been specified by the Commission on Dental Accreditation related to the specific needs of teens and kids. There are also specific tasks that pediatric dentists are specialized to perform. And some of those tasks are mentioned below.
Types of Treatment Pediatric Dentist Do?
If you have searched “kids dental clinic near me” on your search engine and have taken the time out to visit a few dental clinics, then you must be fairly aware of all the different treatments which any children’s dental center provides.
However, if you have been busy and could not find the time to get to that task yet then you do not have to worry anymore as we have prepared a list of treatments that any major pediatric dentist provides. That list of treatments offered by a kids dental care expert is mentioned below.
- Infant Oral Health Exams –
According to various dental health experts, a parent or guardian must take his or her child to the dentist within six months of getting his or her first tooth or before one reaches the age of 1 year. This should be done to ensure that the child is able to avoid acquiring various dental diseases or conditions. Appropriate preventive treatment can be provided for various severe dental conditions too. An infant oral health exam can provide a child with a solid foundation for developing strong and healthy teeth and gums. Further, this can also help desensitize a child regarding the fear of scheduling routine visits to the dentist while growing up. One can also receive specific diet and feeding tips for the child who might or might not be teething yet.
- Preventive Dental Care for Children – An individual needs to know that preventive dental care for children is just as important as preventive dental care for adults, if not more important. Sadly, many parents or guardians assume that children will automatically have healthy teeth just because they are young. That is incorrect as there are many dental issues that a child can face because of his or her diet or genetic making. Hence, different preventive dental care for children should be sought. Depending on the specific case, a child could be recommended dental sealants which stop cavities from forming and spreading, fluoride treatment for increasing the strength of teeth, teeth cleaning to eliminate tartar and plaque, space maintainers to hold the space when a tooth is lost, and mouth guards to protect the teeth and gums of children who play highly competitive sports.
- Dental Hygiene Habit Counseling – There are various dental habits that children can develop, including sucking of thumb or using a pacifier. This might be okay or somewhat harmless for a while. There are effects of thumb sucking which needs to be taken care of. However, these dental habits can cause severe harm in the long run. Hence, it is important not just to realize the harm in indulging these activities but to further employ the necessary steps which one can practice to get rid of these habits. In dental hygiene habit counseling parents, guardians, and children can receive just these kinds of important suggestions, information, tips, and tricks. And to receive such valuable insights, it is important for an individual to search for the “best children’s dentist near me” or “kids dentist near me” on the local search engine. This would make sure that you can get the best dental health care services for your children.
- Early Assessment and Treatment for a Proper Bite – A balanced or a proper bite can be defined as the condition when upper and lower teeth of an individual come in contact at the same time while the facial muscles are also relaxed. A balanced bit helps in avoiding various medical issues like headaches, crowded teeth, or other problems related to chewing. Having a proper bite is essential when a child is 15 and at 50. And the process of getting that healthy bite starts at a very young age. Your pediatric dentist can help you in recognizing the different steps which you can take to make sure that your child in straightening the teeth and a balanced bite. You can rest assured of the fact that your children will be thankful that you focused on this aspect of their dental health from a very young age. It is also best to seek further treatment if any other dental issue arises at this point instead of delaying it to a later stage.
- Repairing Tooth Cavities and Other Defects – Tooth decay can be defined as the destruction or breakdown of the enamel of the tooth, which is the hard outer surface of the tooth. Tooth decay if left untreated can cause cavities which are defined as holes that can occur in teeth. Cavities and tooth decay are caused due to bacteria and other microscopic organisms that might live in the mouth of an individual. Tooth decay can quickly occur if an individual has recently consumed food items that contain carbohydrates and are then left on the teeth. Apart from that, a corrosive combination of bacteria, saliva, food, and acid can produce a harmful substance called plaque which can stick to the teeth. All of this is not good for children and sadly, children are more prone to these conditions as they constantly consume food items that are high on sugar, carbohydrates, and further fail to practice good dental hygiene practices. A pediatric dentist can quickly help in dealing with these issues while keeping the safety and comfort of the child in mind. Another positive point of seeking this kind of treatment from a pediatric dentist is that they are used to dealing with children and would be able to handle a fuzzy child with ease.
- Diagnosing Various Oral Conditions – There are various oral conditions that children can suffer from if they are dealing with medical conditions like congenital heart defects, diabetes, hay fever, asthma, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Diagnosing these oral conditions can be difficult is one does not often come across these conditions usually. Hence, if you suspect that your child might be facing oral conditions due to any other medical condition, then it is best for you to search for “children dental care near me” on your search engine. This would ensure that you are able to get your child with the best dental care possible.
- Managing Different Gum Diseases and Conditions – There are various gum diseases and conditions which both children and adult can get. Some of those gum diseases are short frenula, ulcers, pediatric periodontal disease, mucoceles, and many other medical conditions. Managing these conditions can be difficult for an adult and for a child, this can be next to impossible. This is why it is important to get professional help to deal with any gum disease or condition that a child might be currently facing. This helps in ensuring that the child is able to maintain good oral health from the starting.
- Providing Essential Care for Dental Injuries – Children are often very active and love to constantly play around and learn as much as they can. There is no stopping a child who wishes to learn and play at the same time. Sadly, there are dental accidents that can happen when a child might be playing or learning. Some of those dental accidents include knocked-out teeth, displaced, or even fractured teeth. Immediate treatment should be sought for these conditions, and that immediate treatment can only be provided by the best pediatric dentist. This is why you should search for the “best kids dentist near me” right now on your search engine.
Kids dental specialists
Kids are not simply little grown-ups. They are not generally ready to be patient and helpful during a dental test. kids dental specialists realize how to inspect and treat kids in manners that make them agreeable. What’s more, pediatric dental specialists utilize uncommonly planned gear in workplaces that are orchestrated and designed in light of kids.
Kids dental specialists offer a wide scope of treatment choices, just as aptitude and preparing to think about your kid’s teeth, gums, and mouth. If you are looking for kid’s dental specialists.
Then you must be looking for the best pediatric dentist near you. Pediatric Dentists are qualified and trained in taking care of your child’s oral health. Ask your pediatric dentist whom you can guarantee for the treatment.
How to Select the Best Pediatric Dentist?

Searching for a pediatric dentist near you often seems to be as easy as typing “kids dentist near me” on your search engine. However, that is often not the case. Selecting a pediatric dentist for your children who is not just able to provide you with efficient dental care but is further able to understand your exact needs and requirements can be difficult.
However, with our help, you would have nothing to worry about. When it comes to selecting a pediatric dentist near you, then you need to follow the steps mentioned below. These steps will make sure that you get a dentist whom your children will not mind going to.
- The Basic Qualification and Certificates
The first thing which you should do when looking for the best pediatric dentist is to simply begin by checking the qualifications and certificates which the different dentists around you have. According to different states and countries, the requirements to become a pediatric dentist can vary. Hence, it is best to check for the current qualification requirements and certificates on the official government website and then keep those in mind when shortlisting pediatric dentists near you.
- Checking for an Active License
There are various laws in different countries which require medical service providers like dentists to have an active license. You should make sure that the pediatric dentist whom you shortlist should also have an active license and a legal practice.
- Role of Behavior and Management Skills
Once you have shortlisted a few pediatric dentists, then the next thing which you need to do is to look at the behavior and management skills of your dentist. This will allow you to check whether your pediatric dentist has a complimenting personality to you and your children. It is advised that you should try to book an appointment to accomplish this task.
- Considering the Location
Sometimes, an individual can have an immediate requirement for dental care services. This is especially true in the case of children. Hence, you would not want to have a pediatric dentist whose clinic is rather far away. Because of this, it is suggested that you should do a quick search for the “pediatric dental clinic near me” or “children’s dentist near me” on your search engine. You will get a list of dentists near you, and you can also sort the list according to distance.
- Look at Reviews
When you are done looking at candidates then the last thing which you need to do is look at reviews. You can also ask for reviews while meeting up with your potential dentist for the first time. These reviews will give you a good idea regarding the kind of relationship which your potential pediatric dentist maintains with his or her other patients.
How to choose the better children’s dental clinic near you?
While searching for a better children’s dental clinic near you, they must be pediatric dentists. Apart from this, pediatric dentists must also have some specific qualities that can handle your child’s dental health properly.
Sabka Dentist has qualified and expert pediatric dentists who can take care of dental health for your kids. If you are looking for the best pediatric dental clinic near you. Then Sabka dentist is the better choice for you. They have their branches in some of the important cities of India.
Where Can I Find A Pediatric Dentist?
It is very difficult to find a pediatric dentist as they are assorted with few dentistry. You may highly find a pediatric dentist in dental schools, or private clinics. Your pediatrician can assist you with finding a pediatric dental specialist close to your home.
Why Select Sabka Dentist?
At Sabka Dentist, we place a lot of importance and value on your dental health. We understand the fact that childhood is the most crucial time of an individual’s health when it comes to their dental life. This is why we make sure to provide all children with well-informed and highly personalized dental health care practices.
We have observed in our experience that it helps the children to get rid of any anxiety which they might feel regarding their visit to the dentist. This further allows children to step into their adulthood while having a positive attitude towards their dental health and hygiene.
- Performing oral health exams on infants
- Delivering special counseling related to nutrition in children
- Providing emergency dental care to children
- Providing space management services in cases where the premature tooth has been lost prematurely
- Specifying various methods and appliances which can be used by parents or guardians to discourage finger or thumb sucking
- Better oral health examination of kids.
- Proper counselling of oral health children.
- Qualified Pediatric dentists.
- Equipped with all necessary dental equipment to treat your child’s dental health. If you are still looking for quality kid’s dental care near you. Then, you should visit Sabka Dentist once.
Apart from all these special tasks, a pediatric dentist can also help you in evaluating or recommending the best products which one can use to maintain proper dental hygiene in children.
When there are so many benefits to be explored, then it goes without saying that you would definitely want to search “pediatric dentist near me” right now and find the best children’s dental expert for your little ones.
Expert's Opinion
- Dr. Ankita Gada Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “Pediatric dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with children’s teeth from birth through adolescence.”
- Dr. Zita Antao Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “Early detection is essential in children also to maintain oral health and alter aberrant habits.”
- Dr. Rupali Gujar Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “Children’s teeth are often neglected because they of the common notion that they are going to shed. However, children’s teeth are crucial to maintain space for permanent teeth and to allow permanent teeth erupt in correct position.”
About Author

Dr. Priyanka graduated in 2008, obtained her BDS degree from the faculty of dentistry at the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. Upon graduating, she was selected to complete a multi-disciplinary hospital residency at Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai. This residency provided her with advanced training in all the specialties of dentistry. Dr. Priyanka then moved to private practice, working as an associate dentist.
Dr. Priyanka has a diploma in Soft Tissue Lasers from IALD and fellowship in Implant & Esthetic Dentistry. Dr. Priyanka completed MBA in Hospital Management and Clinical Research. She has worked at Sabka Dentist since 2012 and is pleased to say that their advanced technology allows dentists like her to provide patients with painless, gentle dentistry and a pleasant experience.
Frequently Asked Question
What toothpaste is the best for babies?
There is no need to use toothpaste for your infants, as they are toothless. However, Dentists recommend that you should clean the gums of your babies with soft cloths and water to prevent bacteria build-up. You should use fluoride-infused toothpaste for your babies after they have their first teeth.
What happens to baby’s teeth if they don’t brush?
Baby’s teeth are prone to bacteria, and if you don’t brush them, Then the chances of bacteria build-up are high. This can lead to several health issues in a baby’s whole body.
How often should my child visit a pediatric dentist?
Baby teeth are prone to bacteria, And to take proper care of your child’s teeth it is recommended that you must take your child to a pediatric dentist every six months for a regular dental check-up.
Why do children need to see a pediatric dentist instead of our regular family dentist?
Pediatric dentists are specialized in treating dental problems in babies. This dentist performs additional residency training for two years in pediatric dentistry. They are specialized to understand and treat the dental issue in the teeth of infants, children, and adolescents.