Best Home Remedies for Swollen Gums

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Every person desires to have good dental health so that they can enjoy eating different food. It is also necessary to live a comfortable and satisfactory life. However, there are many of the people in today’s world which are facing dental issues to a great extent. Amidst, different dental problems, we will look more particular towards the swollen gums problems faced by a lot of individuals.


Common Symptoms of Swollen Gums:

– Swollen and red gum

Gum bleeding

Extreme pain

Bad breathing


The person suffering from swollen gum problems goes through a lot of pain. It makes it difficult for the individual to eat, sleep, concentrate on the work, and several complications are faced by them. Visiting a dentist is always a great idea. However, finding quick home remedies for swollen gums is very essential to cure it.


If you have ever thought of how to treat swollen gums, then you must look at some of the home remedies. There are many of the home remedies for gum swelling which can help to avert the gum swelling problem to a great extent.


Here are some of the home remedies for swollen gums which can help to control the swollen gum problem to a great extent:

  1. Turmeric Gel

The curcumin content present in the turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Firstly, one must brush the teeth thoroughly, rinse the mouth properly. Next, apply the turmeric gel on your gums and let it be on the infected gum for at least 5 minutes. Do not swallow it inside, one should rinse off the applied gel. This activity should be done 3 times a day and you can get the results in few days.


  1. SaltWater

Rinsing the mouth with the saltwater can help to heal the gum inflammation to a great level. Some amount of salt should be added to the warm water and stir it properly. Rinse the mouth with this water for at least 1 minute and then spit it out. Doing this activity at least 4 times a day can help to reduce the swollen gums problem.


  1. Ginger

Ginger has some anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which are very helpful in curing swollen gum problems. Here, the ginger should be crushed properly and add some amount of salt in it, making a nice paste of it. Apply this paste for about 15 minutes and then rinse the mouth properly with the normal water. It will help to minimize the swollen gum problems.


  1. Hydrogen Peroxide

Applying the Hydrogen Peroxide on the swollen gum after rinsing the mouth is very influential in minimizing the gum problem. Put 2 tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide in one glass of water, stir it properly and swish the mixture in the mouth and throw it outside.


  1. Castor Seed Oil

Camphor is known as a very nice solution for tooth and gum swollen problems for long years. The analgesic property processed in it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the swelling problem. One camphor tablet and a few drops of the castor seed oil should be mixed properly to make a paste out of it. The paste should be gently rubbed on the infected gum area and you will experience a great extent of relief.


  1. Baking Soda

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties possessed in the baking soda are very helpful in relieving the gum swollen problem. The baking soda should be mixed with a small amount of turmeric. The mouth should be rinsed properly and then you can get relief from the swollen gum problem. The tender skin on it gets a nice amount of relief to cure the gum-related problem.


  1. Essential Oils

Chamomile Oil, Peppermint, tea trees are wonderful agents to cure gum-related problems. Two drops of each Chamomile Oil, Peppermint, and tea tree are added to the mixture of the warm water. The mouth is rinsed nicely with the warm water. The swelling and pain in the gum are relieved to a great extent in this essential oil. These essential oils are also helpful in bringing relief to toothache problems.


  1. Lemon Juice

Lemon contains antimicrobial mixes. It can help to combat the microorganisms causing the disease and the resultant growth in your gums. It likewise balances the pH amount in your mouth. One tablespoon of the lemon juice is added to the warm water and mixed properly. The gargling of this mixture should be done properly in the infected area of the gum.


  1. Oral Gels

Benzocaine is a prescription that can numb sore gums, and it is the principle fixing in like manner oral gels, for example, Orajel and Anbesol. It is imperative to adhere to the guidelines on the mark when utilizing an oral gel to treat gum torment. The gum-related various problems can be relieved by applying this gel to the infected area.


  1. Babul Tea Bark

Ayurveda prescribed biting the Babul (or babool) bark to keep your teeth perfect and solid. The antibacterial movement of acacia gum could help repress the development of periodontal pathogens. 1 piece of the Babul Tea bark is mixed in a full glass of water. The mixture is then mildly boiled and a proper mouthwash is done with this solution. Utilizing this cure will give you alleviation from the irritation that accompanies swollen gums.


  1. Lawsonia Inermis (Henna) Leaves

The Lawsonia inermis (henna) leaves have been found very effective in dealing with gum problems. These leaves have also been used since ancient times in a few parts of the world. Here, a few Lawsonia inermis (henna) leaves are added in one glass of water and it is mixed very nicely. The mixture should be boiled for a few minutes to make it mild warm. The mixtures are then put in the mouth and the mouth is then rinsed properly.


  1. Aloe Vera Gel

The gel extricated from this plant has antibacterial, calming, and cell reinforcement properties. It mends the growing and delicacy in your gums and slaughters the hurtful microscopic organisms. The extract of the gel present in the Aloe Vera leaf should be taken and then applied to the infected gum area. After some while, the mouth should be rinsed properly with the water. It will reduce the pain in the gum-related problem to a very large extent.


These are some of the ways how to cure swollen gums in a very easier way. A lot of individuals have gained positive results by applying these solutions to gum-related problem. It is very difficult to bear the swollen gum problem while eating or generally at any other moment. So, proper care needs to be taken to avert these problems as early as possible.


Although visiting a proper dentist is always a good option, still few efforts taken to cure it naturally will be very useful. Applying the above-mentioned home remedies for swollen gums can be very useful to control the swollen gum problem. Do not take the gum-related problems lightly as it can be very painful later. Taking proper steps initially will be very helpful in controlling gum problems.

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