Simple Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath

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Bad breath is a breath that has an unpleasant odour. It’s also known as halitosis. This odour can occur frequently, or it can be long lasting, depending on the cause.

Millions of bacteria live in the mouth, particularly on the back of the tongue. In many people, these bacterias are the primary causes of bad breath. The mouth’s warm, moist conditions are ideal for the growth of these bacteria. Mainly something in the mouth causes bad breath.


Regularly, a dental specialist will essentially smell the breath of an individual with suspected halitosis and rate the scent on a six-point power scale. The dental specialist may scratch the rear of the tongue and smell the scrapings as this region can regularly be a wellspring of the fragrance.


Bad breath can lead to a lack of socialism and underconfidence and may lead to health problems. Avoid this by maintaining good oral hygiene and taking good oral care.

There is an assortment of modern locators that can rate the smell exactly.


They incorporate the accompanying:

  • Holometer: This distinguishes low degrees of sulfur.
  • Gas chromatography: This test estimates three unstable sulfur mixes: Hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide.
  • BANA test: This estimates levels of a particular compound created by halitosis-causing microbes.
  • Beta-galactosidase test: Levels of the compound beta-galactosidase have been found to correspond with mouth scent.
  • The dental specialist will have the option to distinguish the conceivable reason for the bad breath.

How can I tell if l have bad breath?

Lots of little signs can indicate that you have bad breath. Have you ever noticed people stepping away as you start to talk?
To know whether you have bad breath, lick the inside of your wrist and sniff- if it smells bad, then you have a bad breath issue.


Causes of Bad Breath :


The breakdown of food particles in and around teeth can cause a foul odour. Eating foods containing certain oils is another source of bad breath. Onions and garlic are the best-known examples, but other vegetables and spices can also cause bad breath.


Tobacco causes bad breath. The only way to avoid this is to quit smoking. Also, smoking causes staining and loss of taste and irritates the gums. Smokers are likely to have gum disease and also have a higher risk of developing cancer of the mouth, lung cancer, and heart disease.

Dental problems–

Certain dental problems which may cause bad breath include poor dental hygiene, infection of gums, infected extraction socket, debris under the bridge or denture and ulcers.

Mouth ulcers


In about 10% of bad breath cases, the bad odour does not come from the mouth. Certain illnesses such as some cancers, and metabolic disorders, can cause distinctive breath odour due to the chemicals they produce. Diabetes, kidney and liver failure can lead to a fishy smell.

Dry Mouth-

In Dry Mouth, Saliva naturally washes away the acids from your mouth and helps to keep the bacteria growth under balance. When saliva production lacks bacteria, likely to grow and cause bad breath.

Dry mouth

How can Sabka Dentist help?

If you have bad breath, you need to start a routine for keeping your mouth fresh and clean. Regular check-ups will allow your dentist to watch out for areas where the plaque is caught between your teeth. Your dentist will be able to clean all those areas that are difficult to reach.

They will also be able to suggest to you the best way to clean your teeth and gums and show you any areas you may be missing, including your tongue.

Bad breath treatment

The best technique to lessen halitosis is acceptable oral cleanliness. This guarantees pits are kept away from and decrease the probability of gum malady. Dentists suggest that people visit a dental specialist to deal with bad smells from the mouth by seeing a dentist twice per year for cleaning treatment.


Dentists recommend using toothpaste and a dental mouthwash to eliminate the bad breath problem. Then again, if gum infection is available, professional cleaning might be essential to get out the development of microorganisms in pockets between the gums and teeth.

Can I prevent bad breath?

To keep your breath fresh and clean, you must get rid of any gum disease. And always keep your mouth fresh and clean. If you have bad breath, Maintain a note of all the foods you eat and any medicines you are taking. Take this note to your dentist, As they may be able to suggest a way to solve the problem.

  • Brush Regularly: Regularly Brushing helps get rid of plaque. Accumulation of plaque and calculus can lead to bad breath. Moreover, gargling or even brushing after meals can help to get rid of the foul odour from certain foods. Brush twice a day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride for better results
  • Clean Your Tongue: The tongue can harbour plaque and tiny bits of food. So, it is advisable to clean the tongue regularly and prevent oneself from bad breath generated by these bacteria.
  • Avoid certain food and beverages: Certain food and beverages may cause a bad odour like coffee, alcoholic drinks, garlic, onion, and hot peppers. Avoid these foods and beverages or have a strong mint post consuming these products. Also, Limit the consumption of sugary snacks and drinks.
  • Floss your teeth daily: Brushing alone only cleans up to about 60% of the surface of your teeth. There are some products that you can use to clean between your teeth(interdental brushes)
  • Use mouthwash: Some mouthwash contains antibacterial agents that can kill bacteria that cause bad breath. If you are constantly suffering from bad breath, visit your dentist or hygienist to make sure that the mouthwash is not masking a more serious underlying problem.
  • Drink water regularly: Avoid a dry mouth by drinking water regularly and avoid drinks that can dehydrate you.
    Use sugar-free chewing gum: They stimulate saliva and prevent your mouth from drying out.
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year: Visit your dentist to know more about your oral health status, and prevent issues like bad breath.
  • Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco: Smoking or consuming any tobacco product may lead to bad breath. Tobacco has many chemical compounds in them, which get mixed with the saliva in your mouth and may cause bad breath.

Will using mouthwash helps?

Most mouthwashes only prevent bad breath for a short time. So if you think that you are using a mouthwash a lot, talk to your dentist. Some mouthwashes used for gum disease can cause tooth staining if you use them for a long time. It is essential to read the instruction or ask your dentist how to use them.

How can I prevent bad breath if l am wearing dentures?

Remove your dentures while sleeping to give your mouth a chance to rest and clean them two times a day. Clean them thoroughly with lukewarm water and denture cleaner(denture cream) or a denture-cleaning tablet. Buy a denture brush just for cleaning the dentures.

Do not forget to clean the surfaces that fit against your palate and gums. This will make sure that your dentures are always fresh and clean. Also, avoid the plaque build-up on the denture that may cause bad breath.


And the most important is to visit a dentist regularly for a dental check-up and get teeth cleaning done every 6 months.


Expert opinion

    Dr. Manan DhuliaDental Director of Sabka dentist says “You may not always know that you have bad breath. That’s because odor-detecting cells in the nose eventually get used to the smell. Other people may notice and react by stepping away from you as you speak, or making a face”.

    Dr. Zita AntaoDental Director of Sabka dentist says “Some types of bad breath are considered to be fairly normal. They usually are not health concerns, one example is morning mouth. This occurs because of changes in your mouth while you sleep”.

    Dr. Preethi Nagarajan Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “Bad breath that results from an illness may be a long-term problem. It often can be controlled with proper medical care”.

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