What Oil Do You Use for Oil Pulling?

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When it comes to maintaining oral health, a person needs to follow some oral health care habits properly. Although brushing and flossing are good oral hygiene habits for maintaining good oral health, some natural therapies can help to keep your oral health better.


Oil pulling is one such natural therapy that can help to improve oral health. It has been found very instrumental in removing plaque, tartar, and other germs from the teeth.


Oil pulling involves rinsing the mouth with some specific oil. The oil helps in diluting the different toxins and other bacteria in the mouth. As there are different types of oil used for the oil pulling activity, you must be eager to know the best types of oil for oil pulling.


We will look at the types of oil for oil pulling that must be used? Before that, we will be looking at other processes related to the oil pulling activity.

What type of oil for oil pulling can be used? oil types

Various types of oils are there that improve oral health with oil pulling. You can choose any of them.

Here are the different types of oil should you use when oil pulling:

1. Sesame Oil Sesame Oil

Many people use Sesame oil for Oil pulling activities. The antioxidant property and lots of Vitamin E present in the sesame oil are helpful for the removal of bacteria. They are suitable nicely for the mouth, Motivating people to do more oil pulling activities. This oil can loosen the plaque to help further the plaque removal.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most commonly used oils for oil pulling activity. Warm the oil mildly before putting it in the mouth. Gargling can be instrumental in cleaning all the bacteria and other germs from the mouth.


This oil has shown magnificent results for the bacteria and toxins removal from the mouth. Another good side of coconut oil is that mistaken intake of coconut oil will not have any adverse effects as it is good for digestion.

3. Sunflower oil Sunflower oil

Sunflower oils are also suitable for oil pulling activity. Some people don’t like the taste of the sunflower oil, They can do this activity with a reduced duration for activity. The gargling can be done for 5 minutes properly which helps to loosen up the plaque and remove it from the teeth.

4. Olive Oil

Olive oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties that make it more suitable for oil pulling activity. These oils have shown some good results in the removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth. These oils are available in some regions, So they can be used by regional people. Olive Oil is easy to do the oil pulling activity.

These are some of the different oils for oil pulling that can help to remove plaque and other toxins from the mouth. You can choose any of the best types of oil for oil pulling that can be more suitable for you.


These activities can help you to avoid some of the trouble that may arise due to dental problems due to dental treatments. Oil pulling activity must be once or twice a week. A proper follow of oil pulling activity can help improve oral health.

Here are some of the general instructions for doing the oil pulling activity:

Take a cup of Oil, fill it and then put some oil in the mouth. Pull the oil and swish it through all the sides of the mouth, Continue this activity for 8 to 12 minutes. After that spit the oil outside and do this activity 4 to 5 times. After completion of this process clean the mouth with warm water properly.


It will help you to improve oral health with oil pulling and get rid of plaque. Apart from plaque removal, this oil pulling also helps to remove other microbes from the mouth that can damage oral health.


Make sure that oil is completely removed from the mouth after the oil pulling activity as it contains bacteria and other unwanted organisms from the mouth. It is better to avoid the oil pulling activity for the children, One person can perform oil pulling only after they turn 16.


Oil pulling with different oil has given a lot of benefits for oral health. Oil pulling dilutes the tougher to remove plaque and tartar nicely than brushing. It protects the teeth from further getting damaged.

What are the benefits of the oil pulling activity?

Benefits of Oil pulling

Oil pulling activity is very beneficial for oral health and removes all unwanted things from the mouth.


Here is the list of benefits it provides:

  1. It prevents the development of plaque and tartar.
    The development of the plaque and tartar on the teeth is the result of the bacteria layer developing on the teeth. When this bacteria layer development is not cleaned, it causes plaque and tartar and it becomes hard to remove. Oil pulling activity helps to remove the plaque and tartar to much more extent than brushing. Thus, it protects the teeth from further getting damaged.
  2. Removes other teeth damaging organisms
    It is not just the bacteria that decays the teeth, there are some other organisms too that damage the teeth to a much extent. These organisms get diluted in the oil during the oil pulling activity and are removed from the mouth. It helps to prevent the teeth from getting more damaged.
  3. Controls the bad breath
    In many cases, the bad breath problem is found as a result of the increase in the bacteria in the mouth. Also, gum disease causes bad breath problems. Oil pulling removes all the bacteria from the teeth which ultimately controls the breath.
  4. Reduces gum disease problem
    The problems like swollen gums, inflammations, reddish marks on the gums etc, are the result of some gum disease problems. Gingivitis is one such gum problem that commonly occurs due to the bacteria development on the gums. Oil during the oil pulling activity cleans all the bacteria development on the gums. It helps to keep the gums cleaner and reduces the risk of gum disease.
  5. Maintains the overall oral hygiene
    Apart from these specific benefits mentioned above, oil pulling activity improves overall oral hygiene. It makes the mouth free from the bacteria that can help to keep up with oral health better.
    Although oil pulling activity takes a little more time, it is extremely beneficial. The above-mentioned benefits reflect the different benefits of the oil pulling activity. You can use any best type of oil for oil pulling that can be suitable for you. Oil pulling is certainly determined to improve oral health.

Expert opinion

  • Dr. Ankita Gada Dental Director of Sabka dentist says "There are some natural ways like oil pulling that can help to clean the plaque and other toxins from the mouth. Many dental experts suggest doing oil pulling activity. There are different oils for oil pulling which can be used. Make a choice of the best type of oil for oil pulling that suits you better.”
  • Dr. Manan Dhulia Dental Director of Sabka dentist says "Oil pulling activity is known to only some people for its oral health benefits. Many dental experts recommend their patients to do the oil pulling activity for improving oral health. It dilutes the bacteria in the teeth and removes it from the mouth. Oil pulling is very instrumental in improving oral health nicely.”

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Sabka dentist Clinics