How Do Braces Work: Orthodontic Braces Vs Invisible Braces

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Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic Treatment is basically what is commonly known as braces. Orthodontic treatment is used to rectify the misalignment of the teeth or to fix the crooked teeth in the jaw. With the help of braces treatment, the appearance of the teeth is enhanced and over all there is positive change on the face.


In the longer run the Orthodontic treatment is very beneficial for the teeth, jaw joints and gums by equally disseminating the biting pressure all over teeth.


People have a lot of doubts regarding the treatment like how do the braces work, how to Clear braces work, how long do lingual braces take to work, how to braces work on crowded teeth, how long do braces take to work, how do braces work to close gaps etc.


Relax, we know you are looking for the answers for it. Sabka Dentist will clear all your worries one by one and if at all any is left you can simply contact us for the queries, we just a call away! Let’s get started then.

How do braces work?

Braces basically contain many components like bands, wires and/or brackets. The component which anchors the braces to the teeth are bands to keep it sturdy in a fix position. The front surface of the teeth contains the attachment of brackets and the wires are passed across the brackets and connected to the bands.


For teeth to attain the desired position, it requires a continuous force on the teeth, and this is achieved with help of tightening the wires, thus slowly helping them to attain the needed position. Wires play a key role in the braces.


There is a need to regularly adjust the braces properly to achieve the preferred results envisioned and it is done every monthly usually. The answer is also apt if you have a question of how orthodontic braces work, how do dental braces work, how do braces work for adults, how do braces work on your teeth, how do braces work to straighten teeth

How do Clear braces work?

There are basically two types of braces available viz Visible braces and Clear braces.

Visible Braces Treatment: There are two types of visible braces,

  1. first one is metal brackets and other one is ceramic/tooth coloured bracket which is fastened on the front position of all teeth to provide stability.
  2. The Self-ligating brackets is a new version which comes in both above types. This one treatment is more beneficial as requires shorter duration and oral hygiene is also well maintained.

Invisible braces treatment: Here too there are two types of invisible braces treatment

  1. Lingual bracket system – inner surface of the teeth involves brackets and they generally used by younger adults which are not visible from outside.
  2. Clear Aligners – It is an invisible and removal treatment option. It is a series of transparent brackets which is to be worn throughout the day and can be removed only while eating, flossing and brushing. The duration for wearing it is 2 weeks and more after which a new set is required to be affixed as the teeth show some improvement in their position.

How long do lingual braces take to work?

This depends on case to case, some of them may require further touch up before the final braces are employed and for some the installation can be done in one visit only.


The duration for wearing the braces also differs depending on the kind of preferred results sought by the patient but normally people end up wearing it for one to two years and after that they see some signs of the desired results.

How do braces work on crowded teeth?

Braces are fastened on to your teeth surface and they apply pressure to move them in the right position. There is not much difference as the basic principle remains the same.

How long do braces take to work?

The result of the treatment depends on many factors like bone density, severity of misalignment, and the age of the patient also matters. Nevertheless, few things are visible within four to six weeks.


The people around you will see the positive results in few months then and every time when you get your braces adjusted, your teeth will exhibit the straight growth. The braces treatment can take years for the desired results to be achieved, but you will be delighted to see the slow progress and it will boost your confidence.

How do braces work to close gaps?

A gap between two teeth is called diastema in dentistry. The diastema in the teeth and close gaps between the teeth can be rectified with the help of the braces. Larger gaps will generally require braces.


To get braces for this dental issue, you will have to wait until all adult teeth have been erupted if you’re a child or otherwise the braces basically pull the teeth due to the tension of the wire and slowly and gradually the gap reduces.

How do lingual braces work?

There is not much difference in lingual and conventional braces as they both work in a similar way. Over a phase of time, a mild pressure is applied by the metal wires to shift the teeth into the desired position.


The main aim of the treatment is to allow your teeth to have a straight growth and eliminate any gaps. The alignment of the top and bottom teeth must be prefect because of which the chewing process becomes easier without any damage to the teeth.?

How do self-ligating braces work?

The treatment by self-ligating braces will not use elastics to anchor the wires on the brackets and therefore precludes the use of ligation wires and elastics.


The application of forces in such a case is increased and hence the swiftness of the teeth movement to the desired results is also increased. The self-ligating braces can either be metal braces or ceramic braces and ceramics ones also work in similar way.

How do braces work for an overbite?

The overbite condition is characterized by one pair of teeth being misaligned. The upper teeth are stuck out way forward in comparison to the lower teeth. This could be due to underdeveloped lower jaw or an overdeveloped upper jaw.


The overbite braces are placed over a person teeth’s and gradually they will move the teeth in correct position. This can be done with help of any braces metal, clear, lingual and Invisible braces ones.

How do clear braces work?

The desired position in clear braces is achieved with help of brackets and arch wires but clear braces are not visible, and they are transparent to be precise. They work with the help of clear aligners.


A small of pressure is applied by each aligner on the teeth for the preferred movement. The pressure is generally reduced as the tooth moves and then aligner must be replaced for a new one. The answer is same as to how do invisible braces work.

How do fixed braces work?

The fixed braces are characterized by applying constant force for a period which will move the teeth in the results required to be achieved. As the teeth changes the position, the shape of the bone is changed due to the pressure. In this way they wrap around each tooth and provide a firm support to the brackets.


Hopefully, Sabka Dentist has tried to answer all your doubts through this FAQ’s and if at all any is not addressed feel free to contact us anytime. We are just a call away for any dental issue.

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Expert Opinion

  • Dr. Reena Waghela Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “Orthodontic treatment is a solution to many dental problems. It will help to perfect smile and boost the over all confidence by eliminating the trouble.”
  • Dr. Rupali Gujar Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “The Orthodontic treatment might look a long commitment to pain but in due course of time the treatment will give you amazing results and pain will look minuscule in front of the perfect smile.”
  • Dr. Preethi Nagarajan Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “Orthodontic treatment is not just an aesthetic treatment, but it is also required for a over all good health to ratify some dental problems.”
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